Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Teeth Whitening Treatment
Lady Z Beauty is a member of New Zealand Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Associates (NZCTWA), which is a premiere group that offer teeth whitening services that can brighten your smile by up to 8 shades with a single whitening treatment. We use world class dental technology to give you the smile of your life. We offer our clients the best teeth whitening treatment options based on their lifestyle, budget and the results they want to achieve.
We are proud to provide whitening treatments using the most advanced, effective and safe whitening systems on the market today.
Our teeth whitening treatment provides immediate results and requires just over an hour of your time. Now you can get our affordable specialist professional teeth whitening services at less than a third of the price charged by some dental offices.
Ultrasonically enhanced Teeth Whitening. Whiter Results faster than old technology LED blue light systems, in 45 minutes. Ultrasonic Technology that vibrates the Whitening Gel 41,000 times per second into the tooth enamel faster and surrounds staining particles more effectively than old technologies.
NO uncomfortable gum blocking
NO irrated gums.
NO risk of enamel damage.
How white will my teeth be after the treatment?
We guarantee 3-8 shades whiter for your teeth, however, in some cases our clients achieve 20 shades whiter as their original teeth colour is very white. SO - As white as they can naturally be. Beyond Ultrasonic gives you the most intensive whitening results in 45 minutes treatment time available in New Zealand. Especially, If you have outwardly visible and tough stains from food, drinks or cigarrette. Even if you have fluoride or age related stains, our teeth whitening will bring your teeth back to as naturally white as they can be.
How long should I expect my whitening results to last?
This varies from person to person and depends on your diet and lifestyle, but the effects usually last for about 2 YEARS. periodic touch-up treatments are recommended for clients who consume coffee or other staining foods and drinks frequently or who use tobacco product.
How long does the treatment take?
Up to 90 minutes
It it safe?
100% safe with our innovative LED technology and advanced light filtration system that remove all harmful heat exposure, ensuring your comfort and safety and REDUCING the risk of your experiencing SENSITIVITY during or after the treatment
Who can undergo the treatment?
Any one who wants to whiten their teeth. The treatment is most effective on clients with stains caused from food, drinks or tobacco product. It is also effective for teeth with tetracycline, fluoride and aged-related stains.
Before and after treatment, how do I care for my whiter smile?
Before Treatment
It is advised to NOT brush your teeth 4 hours prior to your appointment as some of the whitening toothpaste in supermarket contain material that blocks the whitening gel goes deeper into your enamel.
After Treatment
Strictly follow a 24-hour white-food diet after the treatment.
Will it whiten my existing crowns or veneers?
Whitening treatment bring all teeth to its natural colour and bring crowns/ veneers back to its original colour as when your dentists place them there.
Girls - No Lipstick - this is so that you won't risk getting any lipstick onto your teeth
Do not brush within 4-hours of coming - this is because some toothpastes contain fillers that can actually block the microscopic 'pores' in your teeth enamel making it harder for embedded stains to be released; we suggest the night before you have a good brush & floss, take care not to brush your gums too hard, especially the lower front. Then, on the morning of your whitening just a quick gentle clean with water only; don't be concerned about the possibility of any breath. It's natural, and we are immune.
On the day, our job is not only to produce your whitest natural smile, but also to ensure you feel informed, safe and comfortable. We care for you on an "informed consent" basis, which means your Teeth Whitening procedure will be fully explained at the beginning, plus we will be happy to answer any questions you may have!
Before the Procedure you will get a free consultation.
During the consultation, we fully explain the procedure to you, visually check your teeth and gums, check your teeth shade, and answer any questions you may have before you complete a standard Informed Consent form
After the Procedure we check your teeth shade against the shade recorded before the procedure.
IMPORTANT: To get the best out of your teeth whitening.
White Diet - For the first 24 hours following your teeth whitening the microscopically opened 'pores' in your teeth enamel make them more susceptible to retaining, which is why we recommend a "White diet" for 24-hours.
Cancellation Policy
Please note: 24-hour cancellation policy applies
Your appointment time has been solely allocated to you or appointment change within 24-hours of the appointment time unless we can book someone else for the to help us run on time please be prompt!