What is Lips Blushing & Dark Lips Neutralisation?
They are basically the different names for Cosmetic tattoo for Lips. While lips blushing is the general term for Lips Tattoo, Dark lips neutralisation is a specific term used for the treatment specialised for any one who has generous amount of dark pigment under their lips skin tone.
The purpose of Dark lips neutralisation is to balance the colour of these dark lips, bringing them toward to natural pink colour with much less dark pigment. This process requires at least 2 – 3 sessions to achieve desired results as to successfully balance out the dark tone – COLD tone, the artists need to implant specific Warm colour in a proper way.
Failing to understand colour theory and how colour works will result in even Darker lips for the clients. This is why many people if were in the wrong hand, their lips would look vibrant in the first few weeks, but become much darker after few months.
Frequently Asked Question’s
Often lips blushing takes 1-2 sessions, while dark lips neutralisation takes at least 2 sessions. The reason for this is it is much harder to change the colour of dark lips. Imagine the comparison between drawing colour on a white piece of paper and on a black piece of paper, which one is harder to change the colour?
After all the touch up sessions, results last at least 2 – 3 years, depends on your metabolism. Please remember one thing, our pigment is designed to fade overtime. Anything you saw in the past, anyone who had cosmetic tattoo last for decade often did not have nice look, and it is too hard to fix anything on your face for decade. Please be a wise clients who know what is best for your beauty, also remember one thing – beauty trend changes constantly, for example thin brows was once the standard in the past, it is no longer match the current trend in the world.
Treatment generally requires ‘2 sessions’ and is recommended to be ‘2 months’ apart from from each other - the second touch up must be within 8 - 10 weeks. ANY appointment exceeding this time frame is considered an ‘annual touch up’ and will incur extra cost!
To view our pricing please CLICK HERE.
While many places offer application of anesthetic topical cream to reduce pain level of cosmetic tattoo procedure, at Z Beauty we do not use these cream as we have mastered our skill in the field, with the right force, you might not even feel painful during the time of the treatment. However, if you do feel any discomfort, we also have our back-up numbing cream in case you need them. They are all very much tolerable.
Lip color is unique. For all other areas of permanent makeup, you will heal in approximately 5-10 days with the final result visible at that point. Due to the nature of the lip tissue which is not the same physiological makeup of the rest of the facial or body skin, you can expect that it will be much darker for 3-4 weeks, you will have a “peeling” process (much like having chapped lips) for a day or so, and then the color will actually appear too light. The initial reaction will be wishing you have chosen a darker, brighter or less natural color. Not to worry – the color is sharing the same space as the blood flow in the lip membrane.
It takes 3-4 weeks for the color to find a permanent “home” in that lip tissue and develop into the true healed intensity desired.
After 6-8 weeks you will return for a follow-up visit to check the results and it is sometimes necessary to have anywhere from a minor touch up to a second full saturation to perfect the results.
You may experience minor to moderate swelling on the procedure day that may last for up to 3 days. The application of ice packs as home will assist in quickly reducing any inflammation and may be used for 24 hours for effective reduction of swelling. The lips are unique in their healing process from any other permanent makeup. The lip tissue does not have a true dermal layer like the rest of the facial and body skin. Immediately after the lip color procedure the color will look like a medium to dark or very bright lipstick, even if the healed outcome desired is super natural. This will resolve in about 3-4 days post procedure after a surface layer “peels” and the natural color tone is revealed underneath. It is always recommended that you have the lip color procedure done at a time when you have adequate "down time" from important social events.
Anyone who are at risk of any underlying health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure … or cannot have lips blushing as they affect the healing process of the lips. There may be some situations where you would need medical clearance first.
A thorough health history will be taken prior to your procedure. Any contraindications or medical alerts will be discussed prior to receiving the procedures.
The condition of the lip tissue is highly relevant to the success of the procedure. Lips have no sweat or oil glands, therefore dehydrate very easily. Using a conditioning, hydrating lip balm and gentle exfoliation prior to the lip procedure will ensure a more favorable "canvas". Also, it is recommended to avoid using "long-wear" lip color products for several weeks before the procedure, as these tend to dry out the lips. People who get a lot of sun exposure are often not good candidates for lip tattooing. Assessment of your lips is recommended in a face-to-face consultation prior to your procedure to ensure that you are an appropriate candidate for this process.
If you get lip fillers, it is recommended that you refrain from any filler injections a minimum of one month before or after the lip tattooing.
Cold sores are caused by Herpes Simplex Virus HSV type 1. Treatment can help but this condition can’t be cured completely. Over 90% of people get at least one cold sore in their life. Cold sores are also called fever blisters, that can show on every part of the body, mostly on lips. When you experience blisters they break and ooze, building yellow scab and eventually they fall off.Your body may develop antibodies, but if not you may suffer blisters for a lifetime. Cold sores mostly spread from person to person by close contact.
Some things may trigger the outbreak like stress, fever, infection, allergies, sunburns. Usually, they heal nicely but sometimes can leave scars. Permanent Makeup lip color helps cover unwanted white spots on your lips.
The stimulation from the needle can bring out blisters. It can ruin the procedure and make the healing process much worse. What is more it might result in pigment loss. In this case another touch up is required to fill in faded spots. It is usually a few days after the procedure that cold sore pain begins.
Please remember that cold sores could happen to anyone at any time after the procedure. It is not a sign of incorrect treatment or lack of safety, it is the reaction of the skin to the procedure.
Delicate and gentle machine work can reduce the risk, also please remember about right aftercare and moisturizing your lips only with cream recommended by us.
For people who get cold sores we strongly recommend to take preventive antiviral medication.
If you experience itching or burning sensation contact with the doctor, inform us and most importantly – remember it is temporary.
Please don’t use any homemade remedies, since it might cause permanent damage to your skin.
If you have any history of cold sores, fever blisters, caused by virus herpes simplex, you should contact your GP to obtain and take the proper prescription medication to prevent such outbreaks.
It is often recommended to take medicine for a few days before and after the procedure. If you suffer cold sores more often you may be recommended to take longer treatment.
Every case is different so might need a different dosage. Many GPs prescribe:
Please follow your doctor instructions. Some clients with permanent lip color have noticed the reduced occurrence of cold sores on their lips. The pigment may offer a layer of protection to lip tissue, but there is no proper medical research on this topic to confirm it.
You should avoid this procedure or consult a doctor before booking a treatment if you have any of these pre-existing health conditions:
Diabetic (requires clearance from doctor) (potential healing/infection issues)
Blood pressure/cholesterol meds (work against the blood platelets sticking together for more color loss) or uncontrolled high blood pressure
Accutane – must wait one year after.
Autoimmune disorder (due to healing and medication) (consult with doctor).
Chemotherapy (consult your doctor) (compromised immune system and pigment retention issues)
Pregnant or nursing. Epilepsy or Parkinson’s disease.
Heart conditions or heart disease
Hemophilia (consult doctor)
History of Keloids or Hypertrophic scarring (overgrowth of scar tissue)
Organ transplant
Pacemaker or major heart problems (must have cardiologist clearance if not on blood thinners)
Rosacea skin Thyroid problems (medications may cause pigment to not retain properly)
Viral infections and/or diseases
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Severely oily skin (pigment will blur/not be crisp hair strokes and may not last as long)
Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
Poor general health: Sick (cold, flu, etc.) – PLEASE reschedule!
Don’t touch and peel off the scabs. The scabs will shed naturally.
Avoid any makeup around the treatment area for at least 12-14 days.
Stay out of heavy sun exposure.
Avoid any facial treatments during the healing process.
Avoid long and hot showers.
Avoid washing your brows extensively. You can use a cotton pad for wiping the area.
Doing any of the following will cause excessive bleeding during your procedure and will hinder your final result:
Do not work out immediately prior to your appointment.
You should not take (unless prescribed by a doctor) any medications that may thin your blood
(i.e. Aspirin, Ibproferen, fish oil, Vitamin E) 48 hours before your procedure.
Do not drink alcohol within 48 hours of your procedure.
Minimal caffeine the day of your procedure.
If you regularly tint your brows, you will want to do so 72 hours before your appointment.
If you prefer to have your eyebrows waxed/sugared, please do so at least 48 hours before your appointment, otherwise I will thread/tweeze stray hairs when we design your brows.
Shower and wash your face the day of your appointment.
You must not use Retin-A, Renova, or Differin near the brow area 2 weeks before or 3 months after the procedure.
You will need to avoid pools, lakes, salt water and extreme sun exposure for at least two weeks following your appointment, so make vacation plans accordingly!
No Botox, fillers, Microdermabrasion, chemical peels or anything of the like for at least 2 weeks prior to your procedure.
Oily Skin: Increased oil production can cause hairs strokes to blur and heal lighter and powdery.
Smoking: Smokers may notice that it will fade faster.
Anemia and iron deficiency: Your body will absorb these iron based pigments more quickly.
Sun exposure: Increased exposure to the sun will cause premature fading. You will want to use a hat and sunscreen for your eyebrow area.
Age and metabolism: The faster your metabolism, the faster the pigment will fade.
Bleeding during the procedure: Although this is very rare, it will greatly affect how your body retains pigment.
It is imperative that you follow the instructions to avoid blood thinning medications, supplements, alcohol, and caffeine before your procedure.
Your lips will feel swollen and dry after your treatment. Apply our Aftercare Lips Balm on lips several times a day. This should be done for at least 7-10 days post treatment. Do not allow lips to become dry. This may interfere with healed color. Just pat the ointment on the lip and do not rub in.
Always use a clean Q-tip or clean/sanitized fingers to apply ointment to the lips area. This will reduce the risk of infection.
After your lips are no longer tender to the touch they may become flaky. This is normal and is expected. Please do not pick or scratch at them as this may significantly reduce the amount pigment absorption. Avoid sun and tanning beds pre and post procedure. Always be sure to use a sun block once lips are healed to preserve the color. Do not use any Glycolic, Hydroxy or fruit acid products on lips. Avoid direct water pressure, pools and other bodies of water, until healed. You can resume wearing lipstick once lips are healed.
Redness, swelling, tenderness, dryness are all common post treatment side effects and will dissipate in a short period of time. Avoid oily, salty, acidic foods and alcohol while healing.
Your lips may require one touch-up session (not included) to complete the process of this procedure. Lip tissue can be unpredictable. Some clients will yield very strong healed lip color while others will only heal with slight color uptake. This will vary on an individual basis. Clients with sun damage, scar tissue (from injury or fever blisters) and clients with implants may not have strong results.
Hyperpigmentation can happen on any lip client without warning. If you have a history of Fever Blisters, Cold Sores or Chicken Pox, we advise you to go to the doctor or for an anti-viral medication prior to any lip procedure in order to help avoid an outbreak.
Follow all before and after instructions after all lip treatments. If a lip retouch is needed, it must be scheduled 30 to 60 days apart from initial season to help with color retention.
Your lips will heal in three stages: Too dark - Too light - Just right. This takes two months to occur from start to finish.
No anti-acne products (e.g. Benzoyl Peroxide, Pro-active) or lightening creams (bleach creams) hydroquinone around any permanent makeup site, since they will cause rapid fading.
No anti-ageing products or facial products containing Alpha Hydroxyls (AHAs), Retin-A, Lactic or Glycolic Acids. These will fade permanent makeup since creams do not have assigned seating and travel in the skin.
Z Beauty offers No Guarantee for any micro-pigmentation results however, the vast majority of our clientele have superb results.
Individual results will vary from person to person.
Aftercare of your micro-pigmentation and your skin type will directly contribute to your final results.
Some may require additional touch ups to achieve their desired results.
Regular touch up pricing will apply.
50% Deposit is required to schedule.
48 hours notice is required for cancellations or rescheduling of this service due to the length of time blocked out for booking. If 48 hours notice is not given, the deposit is non-transferable and non-refundable.